almost 3 years ago
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The most requested features are here! May 2022

Hi there!
It’s Irene from the Support team, and I am happy to announce our latest update
This month, our team has been working on adding the most requested features, and we hope that you guys will enjoy it.

Please, welcome 8 new digital avatars and their various looks — from a casual one to a doctor. Now, you can use them to bring even more creativity to your videos. We at Elai strive for diversity, and always do our best to provide you with avatars that will fit any of the needed audiences. We have also added filters to Elai Builder, so now it’s easier than ever to find the necessary looks.

Another important update — now you can also layer your avatars. You can bring them to the front and to the back, just like any other video element. 

Say hello to the long-awaited Elai API! We have worked hard so you can create endless personalized videos from just one draft in a few clicks, and more. 
See the documentation here:

There is something else — I am sure you will be excited! 
We are introducing Elai vertical and square videos. Now, there is even more space for your creativity. Awe your users and friends by posting an AI video on TikTok, Instagram stories and more! 

We want to say thank you for choosing Elai! Don’t forget to leave your feedback or requests on this board and engage with fellow Elai users. We value your opinion and will consider it for the further improvement of our service. 

Stay tuned! We will be back soon with more updates.